Patient of
Dr. Darius Paduch?
You are not alone.
and how our team of skilled, compassionate attorneys can help you.
PCVA Attorney Mallory Allen Speaks to NBC News About Dr. Darius Paduch
Attorney Mallory Allen was interviewed by NBC National News about Dr. Darius Paduch, and the institutional negligence which allowed him to abuse hundreds, if not thousands, of his patients over nearly two decades. Paduch practiced at prestigious institutions, including NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital, Weill Cornell Medicine, and Northwell Health, until his arrest in 2023, despite dozens of reports of misconduct throughout his career.
Several of our clients — former patients of Dr. Paduch — bravely spoke to NBC News to share their experience, shedding light on the devastating impact of Paduch’s predatory actions and the institutional failures that enabled them.
These civil cases aim to hold NewYork-Presbyterian, Weill Cornell Medicine, and Northwell Health accountable for their egregious negligence in failing to protect their patients despite repeated reports of abuse, and to secure justice for the survivors whose lives have been deeply impacted.

Breaking News:
Dr. Darius Paduch Sentenced to Life in Prison
On November 20, a federal judge sentenced Dr. Darius Paduch to life in prison for his repeated sexual abuse of his patients. Pfau Cochran Vertetis Amala attorneys represent 140 survivors who have filed claims involving the disgraced doctor, many of whom testified in the recent criminal trial and and helped secure justice – ensuring he will never be able to sexually assault another patient.
PCVA Partner, Mallory Allen, the lead attorney on the pending civil actions against Darius Paduch said,
“While no sentence can ever undo the pain and suffering endured by each and every survivor who experienced abuse at the hands of Dr. Darius Paduch, the sentencing closes an important chapter for these survivors,” said Mallory Allen, partner at PCVA. “For nearly twenty years, patients who trusted him for their medical care and treatment were instead brutalized by his degrading, sexually violating, and medically unfounded acts while the supposedly prestigious medical institutions where he worked continued to look the other way. The survivors’ strength, particularly those who were brave enough to testify in the criminal trial, has been incredible and ensured that Dr. Paduch is held accountable. His sentence today reaffirms that heinous sexual abuse will not be overlooked.”
“Our focus remains steadfast on achieving justice for each and every survivor through the pending civil cases against the institutions that knew Dr. Paduch was a danger to their patients but turned a blind eye. These claims are about holding Weill Cornell, New York-Presbyterian, and Northwell Health accountable for their repeated abject failures to properly investigate the repeated complaints of his patients and ultimately enabling, and covering up, his decades of abuse.”
If you have experienced sexual abuse at the hands of Darius Paduch or another doctor you trusted, please contact our attorneys to seek civil justice.

Breaking News: Paduch Found GUILTY!
Dr. Darius Paduch was found GUILTY by a federal jury in New York today, May 8th, 2024. Dr. Paduch, a former urologist at NewYork-Presbyterian’s Weill Cornell Medical Center and Northwell Health, was found guilty on numerous felony counts of sexually assaulting and abusing his patients. The victims who testified at the trial represent a small fraction of the hundreds of former patients who were abused by Dr. Paduch during his time at these two trusted institutions. Following the guilty verdict against Dr. Paduch, PCVA Partner, Mallory Allen, who represents over 130 survivors that have filed civil claims against the disgraced doctor, released the following statement in response to the jury’s verdict:
Justice was served today as the jury rightfully found Dr. Paduch guilty of repeated and disturbing sexual assault of his patients,” said Allen. “For nearly twenty years, patients who trusted him for their medical care and treatment were instead brutalized by his degrading, sexually violating, and medically unfounded acts while the hospitals where he worked looked the other way. The jury verdict in the criminal case affirms that these heinous acts will not be overlooked, and the pending civil cases will ensure the institutions who repeatedly prioritized profits over their patients will face consequences for their indifference in ignoring years of complaints.
PCVA Involvement in Dr. Darius Paduch Case
In December 2022, PCVA filed the first lawsuit pertaining to abuse by Dr. Darius Paduch. Since then, we have filed over 100 cases, and have heard from many more survivors of abuse by Dr. Paduch at Weill Cornell, New York Presbyterian, and Northwell Health. Dr. Darius Paduch sexually abused hundreds, if not thousands, of his patients– both adults and children– while working as a urologist at there preeminent New York hospitals. His assaults occurred under the guise of “medical treatment” but were plainly for his own sexual gratification. PCVA is suing Weill Cornell, New York Presbyterian Hospital, and Northwell Health on behalf of survivors of Dr. Paduch’s sexual abuse because PCVA has evidence that each of these institutions knew that Dr. Paduch posed a danger to patients because its own employees and other patients reported concerning conduct for years. Despite those repeated reported concerns, these institutions took no action to protect their patients.
April 2023
Northwell Health recently sent form letters to Dr. Paduch’s patients informing them that he is “no longer a Northwell Health Physician Partners Urologist” as of April 11, 2023. You can read a copy of that letter here. Nowhere in this letter does Northwell Health inform its patients that Dr. Paduch has been accused of sexual abuse by dozens of patients, or that he was recently indicted under federal charges for the sexual abuse of minor patients.
If you are concerned about the treatment you received from Dr. Paduch at Northwell Health and want to know your legal rights, contact us today.
April 11, 2023
Tucker Coburn began seeing Dr. Paduch as a minor but was sexually abused by him as an adult starting in June 2016. Dr. Paduch abused him under the guise of treatment. In January 2017, a concerned nurse at New York Presbyterian gave Tucker’s contact information to another patient who was seeing Dr. Paduch. This patient was also being sexually abused by Dr. Paduch. After Tucker stopping seeing Dr. Paduch in 2019, he learned Dr. Paduch was employed by Northwell Health. Tucker reported Dr. Paduch to the local police department. Tucker also contacted Northwell’s hospital administrative staff and physicians, met with them, and reported the abuse by Dr. Paduch. Northwell failed to prevent Dr. Paduch from seeing and abusing their patients. Tucker also alerted a nurse at New York Presbyterian, who failed to respond to his report. You can read Tucker’s lawsuit by clicking here.
Tucker was interviewed by CBS News about his experience with Dr. Paduch. Watch the interview here.
News Coverage
About Us
We Are Attorneys Helping Survivors
We represent several abuse survivors with claims against New York Presbyterian Hospital and Weill Cornell Medicine as a result of sexual abuse by Dr. Darius Paduch. We have spoken to numerous former patients of Dr. Paduch who were sexually abused by him under the guise of “treatment.”

Can I File a Claim?
Regardless of your age, and whether you were abused as a child or an adult, you have a right to bring a claim. But time is of the essence.
New York Adult Survivors Act
If you were a survivor of sexual abuse by Dr. Paduch as a minor, and that abuse occurred after 2018, or if you were under the age of 21 as of 2/14/2018, new laws allow you to bring a claim as long as you do so before the age of 55.
If you were abused as an adult, you may still have the right to file a claim. The deadline by which you must file on any given case often presents a complicated legal issue. If you have questions regarding the deadlines in your case, please contact us as soon as possible.
Taking action now is critical because such claims may be forever barred if you do not. Please contact us to learn your options, including the possibility of trying resolve your claim without litigation.
Read Our Client’s Lawsuit Filed Against Dr. Paduch and NY Presbyterian
Read Our Client’s Lawsuit Filed Against
Dr. Paduch and NY Presbyterian
One of our clients filed the first lawsuit against Dr. Paduch and New York Presbyterian for the sexual abuse he suffered at the hands of Dr. Paduch while he was a minor patient and an intern. We allege that New York Presbyterian knew or should have known that Dr. Paduch posed a danger to our client and it failed to take reasonable steps to protect our client from being abused by Dr. Paduch. You can read the lawsuit by clicking this link: PCVA Doe 1 v. Dr. Paduch and NY Presbyterian.
Since filing the first complaint, we have heard from numerous people who were abused by Dr. Paduch, and recently filed four more lawsuits against New York Presbyterian, Northwell Health, and Dr. Paduch. We have likewise learned that both New York Presbyterian and Northwell received complaints about Dr. Paduch, but did nothing to protect their patients despite knowing that he was a danger.
NY Post Article
Read the NY Post Article on Dr. Paduch’s Sexual Abuse of Patients: The NY Post interviewed one of our attorneys, Mallory Allen, about the claims. You can read the interview by clicking below.
NY Post Article
Read the NY Post Article on Dr. Paduch’s Sexual Abuse of Patients: The NY Post interviewed one of our attorneys, Mallory Allen, about the claims. You can read the interview by clicking below.
Read the Article

Our Team
Our Attorneys Are Here For You
You are not alone. We have represented thousands of men and women who are survivors of sexual abuse. And we love to help.

Sexual Abuse at Northwell Health
After leaving New York Presbyterian in 2019, Dr. Paduch began working at Northwell Health, where he continued to abuse his patients – both adults and children. We know that Northwell Health received complaints about Dr. Paduch’s sexual abuse of his patients in at least 2020, but took no action to prevent his wrongful conduct.
If you met Dr. Paduch through Northwell, or have information regarding his role at Northwell, please contact us.
Contact Us to Learn About Your Legal Rights
Based on our investigation and our interviews, it is clear that Dr. Paduch’s behavior was motivated by improper sexual interests – not legitimate medical treatment. Dr. Paduch was a sexual predator who received sexual gratification from improper interactions he had with his patients, some of whom were children at the time of their treatment. If you or someone you love was a patient of Dr. Paduch, please contact us for a confidential consultation. There is no charge for speaking with us.
We highly recommend that you speak with us to learn your legal rights.